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Dermatology EHR Implementation – Providing Digitally Supported Training and Coaching Every Step of the Way




When Combining the Latest Dermatology-specific EHR Technology With a Team of Educators Committed to Digital Transformation, Results can be Game-changing

Investing in technology for your busy dermatology practice can help improve your business and patient care in so many ways. With selecting the right dermatology EHR system, it’s important to find a vendor that has reputable customer service, training and EHR implementation teams. The reason for this is because new technology means new adjustments – to your staff, your workflow and even possibly to how you practice. Using a smarter EHR that learns from you, adapting to your preferences with each diagnosis and treatment plan, can not only help save time from a clinical standpoint, but also help improve patient experiences. Learning the new system is well worth it, and having a team to assist you that is committed to using the most up-to-date digital tools can help ease your staff into the new technology – seamlessly.

Use A Dermatology EHR Vendor With Proven Customer Service

Once you have purchased a new dermatology EHR system, it’s important to plan ahead before the educators and onboarding teams come out to start your training and EHR implementation. Each dermatology practice may have it’s own unique workflow and office management style depending on location, patient needs and staff preferences. For instance, one office may only need one iPad, whereas a dermatology practice with several doctors may need multiple tablets. Either way, it’s always a good idea to think holistically about what could best suit your practice’s unique needs.

Mapping out short-term and long-term goals ahead of time is also a great idea. Using a structured goal-setting strategy can help drill down on effective ways to onboard your new technology. Staying consistent and accountable to your organizational goals as you go through dermatology EHR training can help streamline the process. The smoother your EHR training and implementation goes, the more your chances increase of setting your staff, and ultimately your practice, up for success. Here’s some guidance on important things to keep in mind when setting your goals for your EHR implementation onboarding experience.

  • Be specific – Think about why you need to switch, purchase or upgrade to an innovative EHR system. Factor your goals by things you’re trying to overcome and future objectives.
  • Set metrics – Use a spreadsheet to track your progress in terms of attaining your goals. Keep in mind office management and scheduling, and then establish statistical data to measure your progress against.
  • Positive attitude – Stay realistic and optimistic. Using a plan ahead of time will help identify weaker areas in your practice that need improvement. Factor the learning curve into your EHR training, but remember by doing your homework and selecting an EHR vendor with a proven track record, you’re already way ahead of the game.
  • Take a survey of the year past – Look back at busy times of the year, using your current data and metrics. Take an inventory of diagnoses and treatment plans that took longer to follow through on than others. Factor this into your new EHR training so that any questions about dermatology-specific content you may have are asked appropriately to the EHR training team.

Welcoming the New Dermatology EHR Implementation Teammedical-professionals-showing-ipad-ehr-with-positive-message

It’s exciting when it’s time to meet your team of on-site educators and coaches. Feeling confident about using a reputable implementation team that can help your practice achieve positive and measurable results is a great step in the direction of long-term success. Unfortunately, some EHR vendors may not be as hands-on when it comes to client onboarding. It’s all too common to spend money on brand new EHR software and then recieve little guidance on how to use it.

That’s where a gold award-winning customer service training team such as Modernizing Medicine® comes in. Modernizing Medicine not only has award-winning customer service, it also offers many different levels of client onboarding and training to suit your individual practice’s needs. Remember, it’s not just you that needs to be trained on our software, it’s your entire staff. That is why Modernizing Medicine offers an entire team, consisting of educators, client advisors, coaches and specialists—to help you be an EHR pro by your go-live date.

Going Digital Can Increase Efficiency

medical-professionals-implementing-ehr An EHR system that relies on digital intelligence, powerful technology, and dynamic functionality can help revolutionize your entire dermatology practice.

To use Modernizing Medicine as a specific example again, EMA® stands for Electronic Medical Assistant. This means that your EHR is so much more than a system of health records. It means your EHR is actually going to learn from you, predicting your preferences and adapting to your specific workflows. Technology like this is a total game-changer, and one that should not be taken lightly.

According to the Journal of Innovation in Health Informatics, dynamic technology helps to improve the level of patient care delivered by physicians. Using a dynamic EHR system that relies on the latest technology may take a little getting used to, but the overall investment can return much greater benefits. A customer service team that walks you through the new digital technology offered in your EHR can help increase office efficiency and help your patients achieve better overall satisfaction.

For this reason and so much more, Modernizing Medicine walks you through how to use our system, helping train your staff on site and providing extensive resources on our portal to help your continued learning. After go-live, your practice is assigned a clinical advisor that continues to work with you. We are committed to helping you with any questions you may have, every step of the way.

Reach out to us today, and learn how we are using digital transformation technology to modernize your practice.