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A 360 degree view of your ENT practice

Discover how our award-winning otolaryngology software solution can provide you with a complete toolkit of solutions, revealing a 360° view of your practice. 

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Streamlined documentation, increased efficiency and enhanced performance. It’s what every otolaryngology practice wants their healthcare technology to help them achieve. But when inefficient bridges, multiple logins and different vendors get in the way, do you actually have the right technology tools in place?

At Modernizing Medicine, we offer an all-in-one, otolaryngology-specific tech toolkit to help eliminate those frustrations and equip your business for success. We’re also offering modmed Telehealth, our high-resolution video chat that is fully integrated with EMA, letting you treat your patients virtually. And it all starts with your EHR system.

Since it’s the software foundation of your entire practice, why not opt for the number one rated otolaryngology system, EMA, to continue to build on? Designed for and by otolaryngologists, our EHR puts ENT knowledge at your fingertips, helping save you time while documenting a visit. And with that extra time, you can focus on what matters most, your patients.

Now that your clinical side is running smoothly, why not look to our expert business services and technology to give your practice an added boost? Called modmed Boost, we pair our Practice Management system with a Business Operations Services client manager who can focus with you on your operations. Together, they can help you manage the operational and financial sides of your practice so you can focus more on your patients.

With Practice Management, you can centralize your medical and financial data in an all-in-one system, avoiding bridges and separate logins. Now that you have your clinical and operational facets addressed, we suggest adding our Business Operations services to your toolkit to look at your financial performance. Designed to go beyond simply managing your billing and collections, our services can help transform your bottom line.

Want to take it one step further? Our Analytics platform gives you the tools to measure practice performance. By bringing together clinical, financial and operational data with comprehensive reporting, you’ll have the ability to drill down on specific metrics and visually see where you can improve.

To complete your toolkit, our all-in-one solution can capture detailed quality metric data, and provides you with a MIPS Scorecard built directly into the software. This, paired with personalized MIPS coaching from our CMHP Certified MIPS Advisors, can help you collect the data you need to make your required MIPS submission.

On the topic of patients, using the right tech can help bring the whole experience together for them. Patient engagement tools can help improve staff efficiency and demonstrate your quality care and dedication to patients.

Streamlined documentation. More efficiency. Enhanced practice performance. Improved patient engagement. This is only the beginning. The ultimate otolaryngology tech toolkit from Modernizing Medicine is ready to help you build on your current successes and take your practice to the next level. Contact us today to get started.