Woolfson Eye Institute Modernizes Their Practice by Switching to the All-In-One ModMed® Ophthalmology Suite
Case Study

Practice Goals
- Implement all-in-one, cloud-based ophthalmology software
- Transition paper chart users to an ophthalmology EHR
- Gain customization capabilities
- Improve workflow efficiency
Key Benefits Experienced
- Streamlined workflow
- Increased operational efficiency
- Saved time
- Enhanced patient engagement capabilities
Dr. Byron “Trip” Cook of Woolfson Eye Institute shares why they decided to switch to Modernizing Medicine’s all-in-one ophthalmology software and the features he’s loving the most.

“Our previous EHR system’s documentation didn’t meet our needs and I found the billing intuition to be very rudimentary. With EMA, I feel as though I’m in this 3D world that provides so much functionality and ophthalmology-specific information, I can document a patient visit with just a few taps. I’m able to focus more on engaging with the patients instead of documenting in the chart.”
Woolfson Eye Institute, headquartered in Atlanta, Ga., is composed of eye surgeons, physicians, optometrists and medical staff who take great pride in the unparalleled patient care they deliver to their patients.
For five years the group used a mix of paper charts and a server-based EHR system. The need for more advanced, cloud-based technology led the practice to switch to EMA®, the award winning* ophthalmology EHR system, and ophthalmology Practice Management (PM) system from Modernizing Medicine®. Dr. Byron “Trip” Cook, board-certified ophthalmologist with advanced training and experience in cataract, cornea and refractive surgery, discusses the features and benefits the ophthalmology software offers.

Our previous EHR system’s documentation didn’t meet our needs and I found the billing intuition to be very rudimentary. It didn’t have an integrated phone app and it relied predominantly on compatibility with Web pages. Our ability to customize the system was very limited and had to be done through the vendor’s knowledge-base team. The small customizations that were implemented were often shy of what was needed. We also used a separate legacy PM system, and data was often difficult to access due to the disjointedness of the systems.
We seriously considered sticking with this EHR, but the presentations we saw from their marketing team were no different than what we were already experiencing. There weren’t any major changes coming that would satisfy our demands or improve the software. We wanted a solution that kept up with modern advances and would bring that technology to the practice, which led us to choose Modernizing Medicine’s all-in-one ophthalmology software.
The switch to EMA and PM went smoothly. We completed online courses prior to an in-person** training event, which was very valuable. The Modernizing Medicine trainers are so knowledgeable and made sure that we understood the key elements of the ophthalmology software. I describe it like learning a new language. They taught us the key words and sentence structure, and from there, we had the tools to speak it on our own.
When I compare our previous EHR to EMA, I think of the difference between an old, outdated video game, where you play from the left to the right side of the screen, to today’s more advanced technology games. With our old system, we only had one direction to go without many options. With EMA, I feel as though I’m in this 3D world that provides so much functionality and ophthalmology-specific information, and the system helps me navigate where I need to go through its automated intelligence.
EMA is so intuitive that I can document a patient visit with just a few taps. After the technician workup for my post-operative visits, almost all of my exam findings, counseling and assessment can be done with a single Protocol. For new patients who were referred for a cataract evaluation, for example, a lot of the counseling is already addressed through the Protocol for me to supplement with any additional impressions I think are important. I’m able to streamline those encounters and focus more on engaging with the patients instead of documenting in the chart.
EMA also suggests how I should code a visit based on the documentation I complete during the visit, which provides a great starting point for me and my billing team. Also, because EMA integrates seamlessly with PM, my staff can schedule appointments themselves without creating a VPN connection. It’s as easy for them to access PM as it is for them to access EMA, which streamlines workflows and saves time.
The portability of the native iPad application has enhanced my ability to engage with patients. I can do drawings very quickly with an Apple pencil, and those pictures are stored in the chart. It’s a nice continuity that paper and most EMR systems do not offer. We also utilize the Image Management system, so diagnostic images are brilliantly captured and accessible from the patient’s chart. I can sort through my OCTs, visual fields and topographies very quickly and easily share a patient’s information with them.
In addition to having the ability to view a patient chart and photo images from almost anywhere, another benefit to having a cloud-based ophthalmology EHR is ePrescribing. With my previous system, it required a lot of clicks and typing to ePrescribe. I had to leave the encounter and go to a separate Web page, which wasn’t always reliable and would pop up with different pre-formatted information every time. It didn’t have a great memory and it was very cumbersome. With EMA, the information used before for a patient pre-populates the next time, helping to reduce clicks, or taps, so I can keep moving at a rapid pace. I’m able to select a pharmacy directly from the application and receive confirmation that it was sent right on the encounter note.
EMA also offers a wealth of patient education information. During the visit, some of the details that are commonly forgotten by the patient are included in the note under the counseling plans and can be customized or edited for each patient. This comes in handy with surgery patients because I have physical documentation that I’ve discussed all of the options and risks. That information is stored in the patient’s chart, so they can go back and review through the Patient Portal if needed.
Our previous EHR software was too big and bulky to customize. Modernizing Medicine has built a system that’s nimble and always evolving, which is a huge step up from my previous experience. Their team continues to utilize advanced technology to produce the best EHR and PM ophthalmology software there can be.
*2020 Black Book™
**Training options may vary based on resource availability and restrictions due to COVID-19.
Disclaimer: The statements and conclusions contained herein reflect the opinions of Dr. Cook and not those of Modernizing Medicine. Modernizing Medicine makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy of any such information.