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Learn How ModMed® Pay Helped One Medical Practice

Integrated patient payment processing platform provides patients with mobile payment options. 

Here is a full transcription of the video:

My name is Bill Hyland. I’m CEO of Cirillo Institute. We decided to move forward with ModMed Pay because we were looking at ways…could we reduce our paper patient statement costs? The elegance of the ModMed Pay solution is that it’s very simple to switch, and no IT work required at all. You just need to connect it and go. From the front desk perspective, the number of screens they have to go through and just the sequence and the speed which the transaction processes is surprisingly much faster.

It was at least twice as fast from my perspective, doing it with ModMed Pay. The billing team and our CPA controller are in the dashboard every day or all the time, and it makes bank reconciliation far easier. You have your funding report and your merchant statement right there together, all in one place. You don’t have to go log in or look at timing from one of the other third parties. It’s just far, far simpler.

I think, you know, the benefit of an all in one system, the single sign on, I think cannot be overestimated or overstated. And the fact that if we have a question, we don’t have to call a third party. I continue to see them investing more and more and they’re releasing things it seems like every other week there’s a new release that improves it and adds something that we didn’t think of before. So I highly recommend modmed Pay.