

Healthcare EHR Analytics Solutions


Healthcare EHR Analytics Solutions

What could you do to improve your care?
Is your practice losing money? If so, where?

Abstract ui element diagram

Analytics from ModMed® makes it easy to find these answers and so much more. Rather than limiting you to a few basic metrics, our structured data approach gives you comprehensive analytical tools with the flexibility to reveal valuable answers. And because it’s cloud-based, our platform can do much more than show you last year’s benchmarks—it lets you compare your performance with peers. This can help you get ahead of the curve to help you increase your income under MIPS while improving quality and population health.

Analytics includes three report categories:

Administrative Analytics

Visualize and benchmark clinical data at a high level

  • Find specific patients to follow up with
  • See how referring providers affect your bottom line
  • Analyze visit volume trends, plus CPT and ICD-10 code distribution

Provider Analytics

See how you’re performing relative to your specialty peers

  • Identify patients lost to follow-up for high-risk diagnoses
  • Analyze E&M distribution and outbound referral patterns
  • Track and benchmark outcomes

Financial Analytics

If you use Practice Management, dig deep into your billing revenue cycle

  • Spot reimbursement trends before they affect cash flow
  • View charges, payments and adjustments by payer group
  • Track month-over-month changes in A/R
A simple graphic that indicates filtering capabilities within the software.

Filtering Capabilities

Filter each report by a wide range of parameters, such as:

  • Date
  • Provider
  • ICD-10 or CPT code
  • Facility
  • Modifier
  • Tax ID
  • Treatment plan
  • Medication
  • Pathology results
  • And much more

Augmenting the built-in reports in EMA® and Practice Management, Analytics brings together the clinical, financial and operational data that you collect inside our suite. In just a few clicks, you can drill down from enterprise level to provider level and even patient level.

By tracking, benchmarking and truly understanding your performance with Analytics, you can help uncover ways to improve—efficiency, profitability, patient outcomes and beyond. This, in turn, puts your practice in a better position for long-term success.

An image of a computer showing flexible data solutions that meets the practice’s needs.

Data Explorer

Flexible Data Solutions to Meet Your Practice’s Needs

Included with EMA, Data Explorer is a self-service solution that gives you the flexibility to explore raw data, on your own, to answer specific questions. Pre-specified data sets offered with Data Explorer include patient demographics and history, prescribed medications, referral sources, exam details, billable charges and more. With access to your practice’s data, you can build reports with multiple dimensions and export them for further manipulation and analysis.

Get the Answers That Matter Most to You

Dermatology Analytics


  • Which melanoma or cosmetic patients do I need to follow up with?
  • Where am I referring patients for specialty procedures like laser, phototherapy and Mohs? Should I bring those procedures in-house?
  • What may be causing my surgical infection rate to increase for procedures like biopsies and excisions? What could I do differently to help lower it?
  • In the past six months, which primary care physicians referred me the most acne and basal cell carcinoma patients? How does that differ for each provider at my dermatology practice?
  • Which patients are due for labs or high-risk medication monitoring?
An image of a computer uncovering OBGYN specific data for a practice.

OBGYN Analytics


  • Which patients with abnormal pap smears do I need to schedule a follow-up visit with?
  • What is my cesarean delivery rate for nulliparous women (NTSV)?
  • How many new obstetric patients am I seeing each month and can I see a distribution of when they are due?
  • How much are my payors reimbursing for IUDs? How about vaccines and other medications?
  • How often are my providers billing this particular E/M or CPT code versus the rest of the CMS population?
An image of a computer showing data for ophthalmology practices, such as missed appointments and more.

Ophthalmology Analytics

Find out:

  • Which diabetic patients have missed their retinopathy check-ups?
  • Which of my patients were evaluated for an elective ophthalmic procedure like Lasik but did not undergo it?
  • Where am I sending complex retina cases? Should I hire a retina specialist to handle them in-house?
  • Which referring physician sent my ophthalmology practice the most patients this year?
  • How do my costs compare to national benchmarks?
An image of a computer showing analytics information for an orthopedic practice.

Orthopedic Analytics


  • Where am I referring my complex hand and ankle cases? Is it time to bring them in-house?
  • Which physical therapists referred me the most patients?
  • How many patients in my orthopedic practice received PRP or viscosupplementation injections?
  • How many level 4 new patient visits did I do in this calendar year?
  • Which patients did I send to physical therapy, and to whom did I refer them?
  • How many patients with carpal tunnel did I order surgery for?
An image of a computer showing helpful data in different types of graphs for easy viewing.

Urology Analytics


  • How do I bring my clinical, financial and operational data together to provide comprehensive reports on my urology practice’s health?
  • How can I drill down from practice to patient level, apply filters and compare outcomes with peers?
  • How do I manage population health by finding patients lost to follow-up for high-risk diagnoses?
  • How do I find which specific patients to market to, such as those with overactive bladder who haven’t had a CMG?
  • How do I analyze the clinical and financial impact of my treatment decisions over time?

Ready to Start Harnessing the Data You Collect?

Schedule a Demo Today!