
EMA®HL7 Connections

An image showing interoperability via an HL7 connection.

Health Level Seven (HL7) is a data feed and a set of international standards that allow different healthcare organizations to communicate with each other and share information. This connection allows our technologies to communicate with third-party applications and organizations.

Using HL7, our EMA EHR and Practice Management system can share certain information with connected third parties.

For ModMed Practice Management customers this includes:

  • Demographics Outbound (ADT)
    Includes name, date of birth, gender, address, insurance info, etc.
  • Scheduling Outbound (SIU)
    We can send patient scheduling information to a connected third party.
  • Charges Inbound (DFT)
    Charges from a connected third party can be sent into our PM system.

For EMA EHR only customers, this includes:

  • Demographics Inbound (ADT)
    Includes name, date of birth, gender, address, insurance info, etc.
  • Scheduling Inbound (SIU)
    Third parties can send scheduling information to our EHR, EMA.
  • Charges Outbound (DFT)
    Charges from our EHR can be sent to a connected PM system.

Here are some other types of HL7 interfaces we support:

  • Outbound Visit Note (ORU – base64 encoded PDF of an EMA visit note)
    We can send a base64 PDF of the visit note to a connected third party when the note is finalized.
  • Inbound Document (ORU – base64 encoded PDF of an EMA visit note)
    Third-party documents can be sent to EMA, and they are added to the patient attachments section in EMA.
  • Orders Outbound (ORM)
    EMA can send radiology, physical therapy, and clinical and pathology lab orders to a connected third party.
  • Results Inbound (ORU)
    EMA can receive radiology, physical therapy, and clinical and pathology lab results from a connected third party.

How to Get Connected

Existing ModMed customers, please reach out to your account manager to let them know you’re interested in an HL7 connection.

Want to get connected to our clinical and pathology labs?

GI practices: Learn how our GI suite uses HL7 connections.

Interested in other ways of connecting with ModMed?